Kategorie: Data strategy

Posted in Analytics, Data Leadership, Data strategy

Avoiding Data Strategy Spaghetti: Be more like Hummus. Be Simple.

Analytics Fear of Missing Out (AFOMO) might be the reason your data strategy resembles a chaotic spaghetti-filled pasta bar, with many options and free-form combinations. This pervasive apprehension compels individuals and businesses alike to scramble in fear of being left behind, driving them to relentlessly try new KPIs and keep options open with any data set they could recall being in their organization. This blog is inspired by my interview „Data should be like a plate of hummus,“ a conversation with Lior Barak and Elizabeth Press (myself) from D3M Labs.

Posted in Business, Data as an asset, Data strategy, Finance

Ensuring the Data Team’s Financial Viability, Beyond Cash Burn – An Interview with Timur Bokari

In his current role, Timur Bokari supports the growth of a FinTech in the Recurring Revenue Financing space by developing new customer segments and evolving strategy based on existing data. Timur talks to D3M Labs about the financial viability of data teams. He explains the financial and accounting mechanisms that are relevant to Data Leaders. Data team viability lies in the link between data availability and decision-making capability. Financial sustainability and job stability in data requires clearer correlations between data and revenue growth and cost reduction.

Posted in Business, Data as an asset, Data strategy, Deutsch, Finance

Die finanzielle Überlebensfähigkeit des Data Teams gewährleisten, über den Cash-Burn hinaus – Ein Interview mit Timur Bokari

In seiner aktuellen Position unterstützt Timur Bokari das Wachstum eines FinTechs im Bereich Recurring Revenue Financing durch die Erschließung neuer Kundensegmente und die Weiterentwicklung der Strategie auf Basis vorhandener Daten. Timur spricht mit D3M Labs über die finanzielle Nachhaltigkeit von Datenteams. Er erklärt die Finanz- und Buchhaltungsmechanismen, die für Data Leaders relevant sind. Die Überlebensfähigkeit von Datenteams liegt in der Verbindung zwischen Datenverfügbarkeit und Entscheidungsfähigkeit. Die finanzielle Nachhaltigkeit und Arbeitsplatzstabilität im Datenbereich erfordert klarere Korrelationen zwischen Daten und Umsatzwachstum und Kostensenkung.

Posted in AI use case, Analytics, Current events, Data careers, Data Leadership, Data strategy, Data-driven marketing

Contextualizing our world with data, a D3M Labs Series

Contextualizing our world with data. A four part D3M Labs series about how communications professionals use data. Writing and other forms of communications might be art, however, technology is the means by which thoughts, news, images, etc. are conveyed, stored, measured and iterated. The impact can range from branding and connecting with customers and prospects, to reporting about world events.

Posted in Business, Data Leadership, Data strategy, Data-driven marketing, Immigration, Insights, KPIs, Product analytics, Strategy

Fall in love with the problem, not the data – an interview with Mor Eini

Mor Eini’s career started in the Israeli Defense Force in the Office of the Prime Minister and took her to the VC ecosystem in Berlin. Mor Eini from APX, which is an early stage investor, explains how she evaluates a startup’s use of data. Mor also talks about the Israeli and Berlin ecosystems. She also shares her insights as a B2B investor on how data is a tool to create, foster, accelerate innovation, but data is not the innovation.

Posted in AI Strategy, Business, Data as an asset, Data product management, Data strategy, Strategy

Building defensibility with Data Moats  – an interview with Raúl Berganza Gómez

Competitive advantages enable your business to be successful. Defensibility is what you need to keep that competitive advantage. Data Moats leverage data to create parts of your business that are hard for competitors to replicate. In an open source, fast-moving digital world, building a deep moat gives your business the margin and time to maintain competitiveness.

Posted in Business, Data Leadership, Data strategy, Hiring, Strategy

Bridging the gap between data and money

This article was co-authored by Elizabeth Press and Peter Schroeter Data is a top priority on almost…

Posted in Business, Data as an asset, Data Leadership, Data strategy, Finance

Data only has financial value if it can be monetized – An interview with Michael Guthammar

Having no physical form, data is an intangible asset. Data is often a contributory asset as well, its value being realized via the ability to generate profit through, for example, insight used in decision making or algorithmic-product such as a recommendation engine. Certain methods and considerations are required when valuing data.

Posted in Data governance, Data Leadership, Data quality, Data strategy, Technical debt

Tech debt sloth breeds a culture of sloppy operations – An interview with Daniele Marmiroli, PhD

Tech debt is often unavoidable in most early stage startups. Not fixing the tech debt as a company gets traction and scales is more of a problem than the original creation of the tech debt. Turning a blind eye to tech debt has implications beyond the stack and creates an unstructured and sloppy culture.

Posted in Data governance, Data Leadership, Data quality, Data strategy

Data governance starts at both the C-Suite and metadata level of your organization- An interview with Laurent Dresse

Facilitating the interface between IT and business is data governance, which is filled with opportunity. There is no specific career path into data governance, but the ability to understand metadata and contextualize organizational insights to executives holds much opportunity.